Nick Beecroft
Nonresident Scholar, Technology and International Affairs Program


Nick Beecroft worked full-time in the Technology and International Affairs Program between 2021-2023 and is now a nonresident scholar. His work focuses on states’ exercise of national power in cyberspace, and the interaction of private and public interests in developing national cyber resilience. 

Beecroft has a professional background in the insurance industry, where he led initiatives to develop the cyber insurance market. Prior to working in insurance, Beecroft served as an intelligence officer in the United Kingdom Royal Air Force. He led teams on operations in Afghanistan and served on secondment in a national security capacity. 

MSc, International Security and Global Governance, Birkbeck, University of London, BA, Economics and Geography, University of Birmingham  

All work from Nick Beecroft

10 Results
What the Russian Invasion Reveals About the Future of Cyber Warfare

Three Carnegie experts examine Ukraine’s success in cyber defense and cyber competition going forward.

· December 19, 2022
Evaluating the International Support to Ukrainian Cyber Defense

International efforts to support Ukrainian cyber defense have delivered increased capabilities and capacity while harnessing the potential of a diverse array of actors. But those involved are not declaring victory and will need concrete steps to sustain momentum.

· November 3, 2022
Systemic Cyber Risk: A Primer

While systemic cyber risk has become a hot topic, it deserves even more (and closer) attention than it has so far received. How serious and widespread is systemic cyber risk, and what should be done about it?

  • +1
· March 7, 2022
Ukraine’s Allies Need a Better Framework to Assess Cyber Threats

Comparing the “most likely” and “most dangerous” scenarios can help navigate the uncharted Russian threat.

· February 25, 2022
In The Media
in the media
Insurers Stake Out Their Ground for Covering State Cyber Attacks

Insurance will not be “the answer’” to cyber risk. But it should offer a valuable, distinctive contribution to cyber risk management and resilience.

· January 14, 2022
The UK’s Cyber Strategy Is No Longer Just About Security

The latest report signals a far more assertive approach to cyberspace.

· December 17, 2021
After Afghanistan, Can the United States Rebuild Trust?

As the United States and its allies withdraw from Afghanistan, military intelligence is under scrutiny. What could have been done differently?

· August 24, 2021
To Condemn Chinese Hacks, Hate the Game Not Just the Players

In calling out China’s involvement in cyber attacks on Microsoft email servers, the United States and its allies missed a chance to preempt Beijing’s tit-for-tat response. Here’s how they could regroup.

· July 23, 2021
The West Should Not Be Complacent About China’s Cyber Capabilities

A recent report suggests that China trails the United States in cyberspace. But Chinese leaders are eying a long-term strategy, so Western governments would be wise not to underestimate Beijing.

· July 6, 2021
Don’t Vilify Insurers Over Ransomware Attacks

After the huge Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack disrupted the supply of gasoline on the U.S. east coast, insurance companies were cast in an unflattering light. But blaming firms that offer cyber insurance won’t deter cyber attacks.

· May 20, 2021