Paul Schulte
Nonresident Senior Associate, Nuclear Policy Program


Paul Schulte is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Paul Schulte was a nonresident senior associate in the Carnegie Endowment’s Nuclear Policy Program, where his research focuses on the future of deterrence, nuclear strategy, nuclear nonproliferation, cybersecurity, and military ethics as well as their political implications. 

He is also a senior visiting fellow at the Center for Defense Studies at King’s College, University of London, and at the Defense Academy of the United Kingdom. He is a research associate at the Center for International Studies and Diplomacy at the School of Oriental and African Studies. 

Schulte’s previous positions in the UK government include early desk-level appointments in security policy in the Northern Ireland Office in Belfast and British defense commitments between Morocco and Bangladesh. After promotion to the senior civil service and policy-level appointments in Land Systems Procurement and the Defense Medical Service, he became director of proliferation and arms control at the UK Ministry of Defense in 1997 (and therefore UK commissioner on the UN commissions for Iraqi disarmament). 

He was director of defense organization in the Coalition Provisional Authority for Iraq in Baghdad in 2004 and, later that year, was selected as founding head of the UK’s interdepartmental Post-Conflict Reconstruction Unit (now the Stabilization Unit). Between 2006 and 2007, he was chief speechwriter for two UK defense secretaries.

He is (a rigorously secular) joint chair of the UK’s Council on Christian Approaches to Defense and Disarmament. His academic background includes a fellowship at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. He is also a qualified, and formerly practicing, group psychotherapist.

BSc, Economics, London School of Economics, Professional Certification in Group Analysis, London Centre for Psychotherapy , Senior Officers Course, Royal College of Defense Studies
English, French