Srinath Raghavan
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Security Studies Program


Srinath Raghavan is a nonresident senior fellow at Carnegie India. He is also a professor of International Relations and History at Ashoka University. His primary research focus is on the contemporary and historical aspects of India’s foreign and security policies.

He has written a number of books spanning international relations, strategic studies and modern South Asian history. He has authored War and Peace in Modern India: A Strategic History of the Nehru Years (2010), and 1971: A Global History of the Creation of Bangladesh (2013), and co-authored Non-Alignment 2.0: A Foreign and Strategic Policy for India in the 21st Century (2013), India’s War: The Making of Modern South Asia, 1939 – 45 (2016), and, most recently, The Most Dangerous Place: A History of the United States in South Asia (2018).

In addition to writing several notable books, he has also edited Imperialists, Nationalists, Democrats: The Collected Essays of Sarvepalli Gopal (2013) and co-edited (with David Malone and C. Raja Mohan) The Oxford Handbook of Indian Foreign Policy (2015).

His work has also been published in scholarly journals, such as Journal of Strategic Studies, Asian Affairs, and India Review among other academic and policy-focused journals. He is a regular commentator in the media, and currently writes for The Print. His work has appeared in leading Indian publications.

He was awarded the K. Subrahmanyam Prize for his outstanding contribution to strategic studies in 2011 and the prestigious Infosys Prize (Social Sciences) in 2015.

Previously, he was a senior fellow at the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi. He was also a senior research fellow at the India Institute at King’s College London and has taught at Defense Studies Department at King’s College London. He has been a member of the National Security Advisory Board. He was the chief editor of the Kargil War History for the Indian Ministry of Defense. Prior to entering academia, he spent six years as an infantry officer in the Indian army.

BSc Madras University, MA, King’s College London, PhD, King’s College London
English, Hindi, Russian, Tamil

All work from Srinath Raghavan

108 Results
Geopolitics Today: The State of the World
March 21, 2024

Carnegie India is hosting a book talk of Crosswinds: Nehru, Zhou and the Anglo-American Competition over China by Vijay Gokhale, to be followed by a panel discussion on “Geopolitics Today: The State of the World”.

  • +2
Vijay Gokhale on Crosswinds of History: India, China, and the Cold War's Hidden Game

This episode dives into the history of India's relationship with China during the first decade of the People's Republic of China's existence (1949-1959). It explores how India navigated the complex geopolitical landscape amidst the "forgotten" competition between the declining British Empire and the emerging superpower, the United States.

· February 1, 2024
The Soviet Union’s Public Diplomacy in India During the Early Cold War
May 4, 2023

Carnegie India hosted Severyan Dyakonov for a discussion on Soviet public diplomacy in India during the early Cold War. The discussion was moderated by Srinath Raghavan.

Understanding the Evolving Security Roles of the United States, China, and India
April 20, 2023

Carnegie India hosted Aditi Malhotra for a discussion on the changing security roles of the United States, China, and India. The discussion was moderated by Srinath Raghavan.

India's Pakistan Conundrum
February 23, 2023

Carnegie India hosted Sharat Sabharwal for a discussion on the history of the India-Pakistan relationship. The discussion was moderated by Srinath Raghavan.

Vijay Gokhale on China's India Policy and India-China Relations

In this special episode of Interpreting India, Vijay Gokhale joins Srinath Raghavan to discuss the increasingly fraught relationship between India and China, in light of the recent clash between Indian and Chinese troops along the Line of Actual Control in the Tawang sector of Arunachal Pradesh.

· December 15, 2022
Rising Powers and the International Order
September 2, 2022

Carnegie India hosted Rohan Mukherjee for a discussion on rising powers and their interactions with international institutions. The discussion was moderated by Srinath Raghavan.

In The Media
in the media
It’s Time: Quit India

In this episode, the eminent historian Srinath Raghavan reconstructs India’s tremendous contributions to the war, the nationalist dilemma, the roots and impact of the movement, and how the war years Quit India hastened independence but also deepened India’s internal divisions.

· August 17, 2022
Vijay Gokhale on China and the Indo-Pacific

In this episode of Interpreting India, Vijay Gokhale joins Srinath Raghavan to discuss the recent developments in the Indo-Pacific. What is the significance of China’s actions, and how are they being perceived by other countries in the region?

Russia’s Attempted Invasion of Ukraine: The Changing Geopolitics
March 9, 2022

Lawrence Freedman, Srinath Raghavan, and Rudra Chaudhuri assess the impact of the conflict in Ukraine on international politics. They breakdown the war’s effect on European security, broader strategies in the Indo-Pacific and where India stands.