Zeljko Bogetic

All work from Zeljko Bogetic

4 Results
Russia's Response to the Financial Crisis
May 4, 2010

To counter the steep economic downturn in 2009, Russia enacted a stimulus package equivalent to almost 7 percent of GDP. The Kremlin's response was effective and its consequences lead Russia's relatively quick recovery.

Russia: Reform After the Great Recession

Russia weathered the global recession better than initially feared, but the crisis has emphasized the country’s long-standing need to modernize its public sector, strengthen its financial sector, and improve its investment climate.

  • Zeljko Bogetic
· March 30, 2010
Russia in the Global Storm
April 21, 2009

Russia is among those countries that have been hardest hit by the global economic crisis. The country’s leadership can help avoid long-term economic and social problems by taking quick and targeted action to mitigate its impact on households.

Global Crisis and Its Impacts on Russia: Refocusing Policy on Households

Russia’s response to the global economic crisis has focused on supporting corporations and the financial sector. The deepening social impact of the downturn suggests that leaders should concentrate on cushioning the blow to the poor and the vulnerable.

  • Zeljko Bogetic
· April 15, 2009