Anders Aslund
Senior Associate, Director, Russian and Eurasian Program


This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Anders Åslund directed the Russian and Eurasian Program. He joined the Carnegie Endowment as a senior associate in October 1994 and became director of the program in August 2003. He is also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. He is examining the transformation of formerly socialist economies to market-based economies. While the central area of his studies is Russia, he also focuses on Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan and on the broader implications of the economic transition. He co-directed the Carnegie Moscow Center's project on Economies of the Post-Soviet States.


Dr. Åslund has served as an economic advisor to the governments of Russia and Ukraine. Since 1998, he has advised President Askar Akaev of the Kyrgyz Republic. He has been a professor at the Stockholm School of Economics and Director of the Stockholm Institute of East European Economics. He has worked as a Swedish diplomat in Kuwait, Poland, Geneva, and Moscow.

Dr. Åslund is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and an honorary professor of the Kyrgyz National University. He is chairman of the Economics Education and Research Consortium and chairman of the Advisory Council of the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), Warsaw. He is also a non-executive director of Vostok Nafta Ltd.

He has edited ten books and has been published widely, including in Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy and in the New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, and Wall Street Journal.

Selected Publications: Building Capitalism: The Transformation of the Former Soviet Bloc (Cambridge University Press, 2001); How Russia Became a Market Economy (Brookings, 1995); Gorbachev's Struggle for Economic Reform, 2nd ed. (Cornell University Press, 1991); Private Enterprise in Eastern Europe: The Non-Agricultural Private Sector in Poland and the GDR, 1945-83 (Macmillan, 1985).

B.A., University of Stockholm; M.Sc., Stockholm School of Economics; Ph.D., Oxford University (St. Antony's College).
French, German, Polish, Russian, Swedish