Africa’s External Relations

We examine the implications for Africa of the changing external strategies of major global actors and outline concrete policy recommendations towards mutually beneficial outcomes that advance international cooperation.

How Is China’s Economic Transition Affecting Its Relations With Africa?

China’s slowing growth will increasingly impact its economic relations with Africa. Policy directions within African countries and third parties such as the United States will greatly shape how these changes in the China-Africa relationship continue to unfold.

· May 30, 2024
An African Agenda for World Bank Group Reform

Recommendations from a high-level roundtable on an African agenda for World Bank reform hosted by the Carnegie Africa Program and the African Climate Foundation.

Examining U.S. Relations With Authoritarian Countries

Relations between the United States and many undemocratic countries around the world vary widely from cozy to conflictive. Understanding the drivers and evolving dynamics of these relationships is vital to grasping the realities of U.S. foreign policy in an age of sharp geostrategic competition.

· December 13, 2023
The Niger Coup’s Outsized Global Impact

How the crisis has rippled through the country, the region, and the world.

· August 31, 2023
What a U.S.-DRC-Zambia Electric Vehicle Batteries Deal Reveals About the New U.S. Approach Toward Africa

The U.S.-DRC-Zambia memorandum of understanding demonstrates how the United States aims to counter China and bolster its clean energy supply chains by deepening ties with African nations. Yet how distinct is the U.S. approach from the Chinese approach to such deals?

· August 21, 2023
What Are the Top Global Destinations for Higher Education for African Students?

There appears to be a shift in African students’ higher education choices toward a variety of emerging economies and middle powers such as Türkiye, the UAE, and Malaysia, among others, beyond the former colonial powers such as Belgium, Portugal, or the U.K.

· July 13, 2023
Will the Invasion of Ukraine Change Russia-Africa Relations?

Russia’s influence in Africa is likely to be diminished by any outcome of the war in Ukraine. And Western governments will need to take Africa into their confidence regarding geopolitical matters rather than berate the sovereign stances of countries that feel unseen and neglected by them.

  • Ronak Gopaldas
· April 26, 2023
Africa Matters to the World Bank’s Global Role and Here’s How

Since the International Development Association is an important component of the World Bank and Africa is the major recipient of IDA commitments, the region is crucial to the bank’s overall balance sheet.

· April 13, 2023
How Can the United States Better Engage with Africa’s Fragile and Conflict-Affected States?

Following a checkered history of security engagement in Africa, the United States is rolling out a new conflict mitigation strategy on the continent—but African governments must also play an essential role.

· March 30, 2023
Will Africa Shape U.S.-China Strategic Competition?
March 28, 2023

Join the Carnegie Endowment for a special conversation with leading experts on the changing relationship between African nations and the U.S. and China and whether Africa’s development priorities around industrialization, job creation, and universal electrification can remain salient in this rapidly changing geopolitical theatre.

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The U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit Marks a Seismic Shift in Relations with the Continent

With the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, Washington appears to be finally reframing its relationship with Africa in largely positive terms. Yet much hinges on the financing and implementation of the dozens of initiatives announced at the summit.

· December 22, 2022
The Major Takeaways From the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit

The Biden administration wanted to send a clear message of strong re-engagement in Africa.

· December 21, 2022