Carnegie California
Subnational Affairs

We explore the role of subnational jurisdictions, including cities and states, in addressing global challenges, including climate change and migration, and in implementing innovative policy, including around artificial intelligence and industrial policy.

People sitting at voting booths
California’s Direct Democracy in Action: State Propositions on the November Ballot

The mix of legislative measures and citizens’ initiatives offer a window into the health of direct democracy in the most populous U.S. state.

· July 17, 2024
Key Takeaways From the California Primary Vote

Turnout, the top-two primary system, and Proposition 1 all offer insights into voters’ mindsets.

· March 28, 2024
How Californians Are Thinking About Their Super Tuesday Ballot Options

The state’s democracy innovations will be front and center, and some races will be closely watched as early indicators of possible November outcomes.

· March 4, 2024
Subnational Practices in AI Policy: A Working Guide

Subnational jurisdictions are grappling with the tangible impacts that AI is beginning to have. Their efforts provide an important space to learn best practices for policy going forward.

· December 12, 2023
In The Media
in the media
China’s Path to Power Runs Through the World’s Cities

To Push Back, the West Must Invest More in Urban Life

· November 27, 2023
Foreign Affairs
2023 Carnegie California Global Affairs Survey

Westward-looking, often aligned with their fellow Americans, and confident in U.S. global engagement, Californians would prefer that the role of their state and local leaders on the world stage be decided close to home.

· October 23, 2023
How California Is Bridging the Digital Divide on Tribal Land

The state and the Hoopa Tribe are stretching funds from federal, state, and local programs to build public digital infrastructure.

  • Ben Polsky
  • Linnea Jackson
  • Matthew Rantanen
· August 28, 2023
California Is a Model for Climate Change Action When International Efforts Fall Short

The state’s residents have been eager to be a world leader on a subnational level.

· July 20, 2023
The Importance of Californians’ Views on Immigration Policies

Without federal reform, state and local leaders will need to find innovative ways to cope with migration trends within the bounds of existing inadequate policy.

· June 21, 2023
Data-Informed Decisionmaking in the Public Commons

With big data, California policymakers could improve everything from infrastructure to air quality—but first they need the tools to make use of it

· June 21, 2023
California’s Election Reforms Should Be a Model for Other States

The Golden State’s innovative approaches to ballot access should be studied widely.

· June 21, 2023
How Mayors and City Leaders Are Reshaping Foreign Policy

The Cities Summit of the Americas showcases three recent developments in subnational diplomacy.

· April 20, 2023