Carnegie California
Tech in Context

We examine ecosystems that inform and shape technological innovation and the political economies, geographies, and relationships that emerge in response to new developments.

How Cities Use the Power of Public Procurement for Responsible AI

California’s local governments are transforming a traditionally mundane function into a strategic lever.

  • Ben Polsky
  • Leila Doty
· March 25, 2024
The Silicon Valley Model and Technological Trajectories in Context

The Silicon Valley model offers lessons for regions around the world as they look to grow their own startup ecosystems.

· January 9, 2024
Subnational Practices in AI Policy: A Working Guide

Subnational jurisdictions are grappling with the tangible impacts that AI is beginning to have. Their efforts provide an important space to learn best practices for policy going forward.

· December 12, 2023
Silicon Valley Revisited: Series Overview

This series offers a deep dive into the Silicon Valley ecosystem, its continuing evolution, and its connections to the world amid new waves of technological innovation and geopolitical disruption.

· October 5, 2023
The United States Can Flip the Script on China in Green Tech

California is ground zero for engagement.

· September 6, 2023
The Remarkable Scientific Accomplishment of the Latest IPCC Cycle

One would be hard-pressed to think of another scientific or policy process that integrates such a diversity and depth of research, learning, and policy engagement.

· April 14, 2023
Ready for Prime Time: Japan’s Maturing Startup Ecosystem

Japan is determined to foster a startup economy. But every startup ecosystem is built on several components and a strategic conception of how they fit together. Cracking this puzzle will be Japan's challenge.

· August 9, 2022
How Silicon Valley Can Drive Closer U.S.-Japan Collaboration

Washington and Tokyo have committed to make technology collaboration a centerpiece of U.S.-Japan relations. But the critical step will be to enhance private sector–led innovation.

· March 9, 2022
How Should Countries Tackle Deepfakes?

The technology to create sophisticated fake videos—deepfakes—is getting more advanced with serious implications for governments and businesses.

· January 28, 2019