Democracy, Conflict, and Governance
U.S. Democracy in Comparative Perspective

In recent years, multiple international indices have downgraded U.S. democracy.  Polarization, accusations of voting irregularities, political violence, and other negative trends are having a corrosive influence on the state of U.S. democracy and leaders’ ability to govern, address domestic problems, and craft stable policies.  This project brings together the work of scholars across the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who analyze the problems afflicting U.S. democracy based on comparative perspectives and offer insights that can strengthen U.S. governing institutions and society.

Defending Civic Space in the United States: Lessons Learned Around the World

In a context of democratic erosion, U.S. civil society organizations face a widening array of legal, political, and security threats. They can learn from the experiences of civic activists in backsliding democracies around the world.

· May 9, 2024
In The Media
in the media
Polarisation, Political Violence and the U.S. Elections

An assessment of the health of U.S. democracy and unpacking the risk of political violence surrounding the 2024 U.S. elections.

· April 19, 2024
Ripple Effect podcast
In The Media
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The False Economic Promise of Populism

Populists rely on big promises and false premises to sell their methods to citizens—the outcome is rarely a happy ending.

· April 14, 2024
The UnPopulist
In the Media
The Coming Attacks on Nonprofits

The far right and far left want to eliminate organizations that challenge them.

· April 1, 2024
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Closing Civic Space in the United States: Connecting the Dots, Changing the Trajectory

Over the past two decades, dozens of governments have used regulations, laws, and vilifying narratives to restrict the ability of civil society organizations to act and speak. Now, a similar set of tactics is being rolled out in the United States. What should philanthropists and organizations expect, and what can be done?

· March 6, 2024
In The Media
in the media
Amid Courts’ Role in US Democracy Struggle, Look to Lessons from Abroad.

Democracies have been falling all over the world in recent years. The decline has largely occurred at the hands of elected leaders who use their popularity to ride roughshod over their countries’ institutions, destroying oversight by a thousand cuts.

· February 29, 2024
Just Security
In The Media
in the media
Why Men Are Drifting to the Far Right

Many men are falling behind. They need meaning and belonging.

· January 29, 2024
In The Media
in the media
Marking Jan. 6 Anniversary, Biden Warns Political Violence Poses Grave Threat to Democracy

Speaking Friday near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, a pivotal site in America’s Revolutionary War, President Biden framed the stakes of the 2024 election. Marking the third anniversary of Jan. 6, Biden condemned political violence and Donald Trump.

· January 5, 2024
In The Media
in the media
To Save Democracy, Help Men

Authoritarian forces have always supported patriarchal gender roles. Pro-democracy efforts to help men need to understand the power of that siren song.

· January 5, 2024
American Institute for Boys and Men
In The Media
in the media
Polarization and Political Violence: Rachel Kleinfeld

Violent threats against members of Congress are up, and hate crimes have increased to the highest levels ever recorded. Fear is being used as a tool by both Republicans and Democrats to win votes.

· October 26, 2023
Common Ground Committee
In The Media
in the media
Actual Strategies for Saving Democracy

A discussion on five strategies for supporting democracy, as well as the critical role Catholics have in saving democracy in the long term.

· October 16, 2023
US Catholic
In The Media
in the media
Is American Polarization a Reality or a Political Strategy?

Are we really as divided as we’re being told we are? A new paper from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace takes up that question. Its answer may surprise you.

· October 2, 2023