Technology and International Affairs
Securing Digital Financial Inclusion

People in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and elsewhere are leapfrogging traditional brick-and-mortar banking in favor of mobile payments and other digital financial services. Yet these digital financial services platforms are vulnerable to cyber threats. Working with researchers in the Global South, Carnegie seeks to foster inclusive and secure digital finance.

How We Work

How We Work

Cybersecurity and Financial Inclusion (CyberFI) Working Group

Chaired by Carnegie, the CyberFI Working Group serves as a convening mechanism for organizations working on cybersecurity in the financial inclusion space. These meetings include stakeholders from across the development, financial services, and cybersecurity communities, with a particular focus on stakeholders in Africa.

Regional Center Implementation Work Stream

This work stream focuses specifically on the creation of regional resources centers across the African continent. Using the launch of the African Cybersecurity Resource Centre (ACRC) in Senegal as a starting point, this group seeks to expand and strengthen the regional ecosystem of financial inclusion efforts and help create future infrastructure projects in other countries across Africa. In this vein, CMU-Africa is working on a related project standing up a center in Kigali, Rwanda.

Co-Chairs: Jean-Louis Perrier (Suricate Solutions), Assane Gueye (CMU-Africa)

Policy and Research Advisory Group

This working group focuses on identifying key research and policy questions on strengthening cybersecurity and financial inclusion and commissioning research to address them. Our research agenda provides the foundation to assess which ongoing research projects align with core questions in the field, and which questions have not been adequately addressed.

Co-Chairs: Demet Canakci (Toronto Centre for Global Leadership in Financial Supervision), Noelle Cowling (Security Institute for Governance and Leadership in Africa), Steve Mambo (Yelbridges), Dirk Zetzsche (University of Luxembourg)

Cybersecurity and Financial Inclusion (CyberFI) Working Group

Chaired by Carnegie, the CyberFI Working Group serves as a convening mechanism for organizations working on cybersecurity in the financial inclusion space. These meetings include stakeholders from across the development, financial services, and cybersecurity communities, with a particular focus on stakeholders in Africa.

Regional Center Implementation Work Stream

This work stream focuses specifically on the creation of regional resources centers across the African continent. Using the launch of the African Cybersecurity Resource Centre (ACRC) in Senegal as a starting point, this group seeks to expand and strengthen the regional ecosystem of financial inclusion efforts and help create future infrastructure projects in other countries across Africa. In this vein, CMU-Africa is working on a related project standing up a center in Kigali, Rwanda.

Co-Chairs: Jean-Louis Perrier (Suricate Solutions), Assane Gueye (CMU-Africa)

Policy and Research Advisory Group

This working group focuses on identifying key research and policy questions on strengthening cybersecurity and financial inclusion and commissioning research to address them. Our research agenda provides the foundation to assess which ongoing research projects align with core questions in the field, and which questions have not been adequately addressed.

Co-Chairs: Demet Canakci (Toronto Centre for Global Leadership in Financial Supervision), Noelle Cowling (Security Institute for Governance and Leadership in Africa), Steve Mambo (Yelbridges), Dirk Zetzsche (University of Luxembourg)