in the media

U.S. Weighs Ukrainian Military Aid

Russia is backing a new offensive in the Donbas and economic sanctions are not stopping it. Should U.S. military aid to Ukraine be the next step?

published by
WBUR On Point with Tom Ashbrook
 on February 4, 2015

Source: WBUR On Point with Tom Ashbrook

The thunder of artillery rolling across eastern Ukraine lately is hardly the sound of ragtag separatists. Russia – Moscow – is heavily engaged with the fighting – the war – in Ukraine.  Now, significant American voices are being raised saying it is time for the United States to arm up Ukrainian forces to resist the Russian-backed onslaught. Speaking on WBUR On Point with Tom Ashbrook, Carnegie’s Eugene Rumer discussed the possible consequences of arming Ukraine.

This debate was originally broadcast by WBUR On Point with Tom Ashbrook.

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