

Washington, DC


对于年轻的公共政策专业人士而言,卡内基国际和平基金会的詹姆斯·盖泽青年学者大会(James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Conference)是于华盛顿特区召开的年度重要会议。今年的大会围绕美国就公民规范遭到的侵蚀以及人们对政治制度不断丧失的信心进行了探讨。 


event speakers


Thomas Carothers

Harvey V. Fineberg Chair for Democracy Studies; Director, Democracy, Conflict and Governance Program

Thomas Carothers, director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program, is a leading expert on comparative democratization and international support for democracy.

Kyle Kondik

Stuart Rothenberg

A.B. Stoddard

Lilliana Mason

Mary Beth Goodman

Michael Shifter

Michael Shifter is president of the Inter-American Dialogue. He was previously vice president for policy and director of the Dialogue’s democratic governance program. Since 1993, Shifter has been an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, where he teaches Latin American politics. Since 1994, he has played a key role in shaping the Dialogue’s agenda, commissioning policy-relevant articles and reports.

Hala Harik Hayes

Sarah Yerkes

Senior Fellow, Middle East Program

Sarah Yerkes is a senior fellow in Carnegie’s Middle East Program, where her research focuses on Tunisia’s political, economic, and security developments as well as state-society relations in the Middle East and North Africa.