Yemen: The War and the Way Out

Tue. August 20th, 2019
Beirut, Lebanon

Yemen’s devastating conflict has entered its fifth year, with all sides exhausted by the enormous material and human costs incurred. The largest number of victims are civilians, whose immense suffering grows by the day. As the fighting drags on and all sides look for a way out, the prospects for a settlement seem to be more distant than ever, given the multiple divisions between local actors and the broader regional struggle taking place in Yemen.

The Carnegie Middle East Center held a public forum to discuss the conflict in Yemen. It addressed the ways to reach a successful political settlement, the role of regional and international actors, and other key issues facing the country.


Huda Al-Attas is an author and political activist in South Yemen.

Kristine Beckerle is the legal director for accountability and redress at the Mwatana Organization for Human Rights.

Mustapha Noman is a former Yemeni ambassador, who also served as the under secretary for foreign affairs of the Republic of Yemen.


Mohanad Hage Ali is a fellow and director of communications at the Carnegie Middle East Center.

event speakers

Huda Al-Attas

Kristine Beckerle

Mustapha Noman

Mustapha Noman is the former deputy foreign minister of Yemen.