Building an AI Nation

Thu. September 2nd, 2021
Zoom webinar

Governments around the world are ramping up investment in AI and are working to increase the rate of AI adoption. This technology can potentially transform various industries including, but not limited to, manufacturing, healthcare, education, agriculture, and research.

Join us for the second Tech for Thought: A KnowledgeTransfer series workshop, titled 'Building an AI nation', on September 2 as we host Ananthanarayanan S. and Priyadarshini D. Conducted in partnership with the upcoming Plaksha University (based in Mohali) this event will answer questions such as, what is AI? What are the possible applications of AI? What changes do we need to see to spur the development of AI forward?

Participants who wish to join the talk will have to fill out this Google Form. Those selected to attend the event may submit their questions through the Q/A box in the Zoom webinar or by writing to us at

Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees.
event speakers

Anantha S.

Former Nonresident Scholar, Technology and Society Program

Anantha S. is a former nonresident scholar with Carnegie India.

Priyadarshini D.

Associate Fellow, Carnegie India

Priyadarshini D. was an associate fellow with Carnegie India’s Technology and Society Program.