Bayram Balci
Nonresident Scholar, Russia and Eurasia Program


Bayram Balci is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Bayram Balci was a nonresident scholar in Carnegie’s Russia and Eurasia Program, where his research focuses on Turkey and Turkish foreign policy in Central Asia and the Caucasus. He is also affiliated with CERI Sciences Po, in Paris, France. 

As a research fellow at the French Institute for Anatolian Studies in Istanbul, Turkey, Balci established the institute’s office in Baku, Azerbaijan. During his four-year mission, he studied the features and interactions of Shia and Sunni Islam in Azerbaijan and its relations with Iran. From 2006 to 2010, he was the director of the French Institute for Central Asian Studies in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. During his time in the region, his research also examined Turkey’s influence and the Islamic revival in Central Asia. 

He is a founding member of the European Journal of Turkish Studies, member of the editorial board of Les Cahiers d’Asie Centrale, a French journal dedicated to Central Asian studies.

He is the author of Missionnaires de l'Islam en Asie centrale: Les écoles turques de Fethullah Gülen (Maisonneuve & Larose, 2003) and recently co-edited China and India in Central Asia: A New “Great Game”? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).

PhD, Political Science, Arabic and Islamic civilization, Institutes for Political Science of Grenoble and Aix en Provence
Arabic, English, French, Russian, Turkish

All work from Bayram Balci

51 Results
Muslims in Europe: Georgia

Despite the relatively small number of Muslims in Georgia, issues related to Islam and Muslims have taken on an increasingly high profile in recent years.

· October 30, 2015
Yearbook of Muslims in Europe
In the Media
Central Asia Faces Risks and Benefits from Iran Deal

A nuclear deal with Iran would bring about change in the neighboring South Caucasus and Central Asia, where ostracized Iran failed to become a major actor after the end of the Soviet Union.

· April 17, 2015
Silk Road Reporters
Reviving Central Asia’s Religious Ties With the Indian Subcontinent? The Jamaat al Tabligh

As a consequence of Russian and Soviet domination in Central Asia, local Islam has been considerably isolated from the rest of the Muslim world. However, the end of the Soviet Union in 1991 opened the door for the reestablishment of new relations between Central Asian Muslims and their brethren in other countries.

· March 19, 2015
Religion, State, and Society
Ukrainian Crisis and Its Limited Impact on Turkish-Russian Relations

Turkey and Russia have a deeply “compartmentalized” relationship. A disagreement on one regional issue—Ukraine, Georgia or even Syria—will not necessarily derail their bilateral relations.

· February 16, 2015
In the Media
How Central Asian Republics Perceive the Emerging Eurasian Union

The Eurasian Economic Union is to date the best integrationist project Russia has come up with since the end of the Soviet Union. However, the regimes in Central Asia can’t make a decision between bitter resignation and fierce hostility, as Moscow tries to impose the project on them.

· January 24, 2015
Silk Road Reporters
The Ukraine Crisis’s Central Asian Echoes

After the initial shock the Ukrainian crisis brought, Central Asian states have gradually come to the conclusion that they should continue dealing with Russia. Still, none of these states are prepared to be totally controlled by Russia.

· December 25, 2014
Why Is Turkey Still So Reluctant to Join the Coalition Against the “Islamic State”?

Turkey hesitates to fully embrace the U.S.-led coalition’s actions against the Islamic State. Ankara’s most crucial hesitation relates to the Kurdish issue which plays such a central role in Turkish policy in the Middle East.

· October 10, 2014
In the Media
A New Turkish Foreign Policy?

The Syrian and Iraqi crises revealed that Turkey cannot guarantee its own security without solid cooperation from its western allies. As Erdogan transitions from prime minster to president, he must recognize this reality.

· August 27, 2014
World Policy Blog
Jihadism in Central Asia: A Credible Threat After the Western Withdrawal From Afghanistan?

Jihadist groups operating in Central Asia pose a real threat, but they are not the only or even the primary danger facing the region’s regimes.

· August 13, 2014
In the Media
Even Authoritarian, the Turkish Prime Minister Remains a Key Player in the Middle East

Despite his incontestable authoritarianism, the Turkish prime minister remains the most legitimate leader in the region and a key player for U.S. policy in the Middle East.

· August 9, 2014