Maria Lipman
Scholar in Residence, Society and Regions Program, Editor in Chief, Pro et Contra, Moscow Center


Maria Lipman is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Maria Lipman was the editor in chief of the Pro et Contra journal published by the Carnegie Moscow Center. She was also the expert of the Carnegie Moscow Center’s Society and Regions Program.

Lipman served as deputy editor of the Russian weekly newsmagazines Ezhenedel’ny zhurnal, from 2001 to 2003, and Itogi, from 1995 to 2001. She has worked as a translator, researcher, and contributor for the Washington Post’s Moscow bureau and has had a monthly op-ed column in the Washington Post since 2001.

She is the author of “Constrained or Irrelevant: The Media in Putin’s Russia,” (Current History, October 2005); “Putin and the Media,” with Michael McFaul, in Putin’s Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain, edited by Dale R. Herspring (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003); “Managed Democracy in Russia: Putin and the Press?” with Michael McFaul, in Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics (Summer 2001); and “Russia’s Free Press Withers Away,” The New York Review of Books, (May 31, 2001).

MA, Moscow State University
English, Russian