Mark Medish
Visiting Scholar


Mark Medish is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Mark Medish was a visiting scholar and senior adviser at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

He joined the Endowment in 2006, and served as vice president for studies from 2006–2008.

Prior to joining the Endowment, Medish was a partner in the Washington public law and policy practice group of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P. Before joining Akin Gump, Medish served in the Clinton administration as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs on the National Security Council from 2000–2001.

Medish served under Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 1997–2000; his regional portfolio covered Central Europe, the Newly Independent States (NIS), the Middle East and South Asia. Previously, he was Senior Advisor to the Administrator of the United Nations Development Program, and Special Assistant to the Assistant Administrator for Europe and the NIS at the U.S. Agency for International Development from 1994–1996.

Before entering public service, he worked as an attorney at Covington & Burling in Washington, DC, from 1992–1994. He served as a law clerk to an appellate judge from 1991–1992, and was admitted to the District of Columbia Bar in 1992.

Medish is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a board member at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs, Tokyo from 1990–1991.

He was educated at Harvard University and Law School, Oxford University (Merton College), and the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. He has held Fulbright, Mellon, Luce and Shintaro Abe scholarships.

B.S.F.S., Georgetown University; A.M., J.D., Harvard University; post-graduate work at University of Oxford (Merton College)

All work from Mark Medish

33 Results
In the Media
Deeply Rethinking Defense

Global leaders must carefully craft a new way to approach international security challenges that will allow them to trim costly defense programs while still maintaining a modern security apparatus.

· December 2, 2010
In the Media
Obama's Season for Change

Despite poor midterm poll prospects for the Democrats and a number of domestic and foreign policy promises that remain unfulfilled, President Obama may still emerge as the transformative leader many voters expected.

· October 28, 2010
The New York Times
In the Media
Time to Take Biodefense Seriously

Given the real risk of potential future biological attacks, the United States must be able to better assess the bioweapons threat, develop stronger tracking mechanisms, and implement a system to protect the civilian population.

· October 7, 2010
The Washington Times
In the Media
Where Is Russia?

Modern Russian must overcome a number of internal and external pressures in the course of its struggle to determine its role in the changing global community.

· June 22, 2010
The International Herald Tribune
In the Media
Assassination Season Is Open

State-sponsored assassination is on the rise worldwide. Aside from questions of moral justification and legality, political assassination also brings to the fore practical policy considerations, not least the law of unintended consequences.

· April 14, 2010
The International Herald Tribune
Ukraine’s Presidential Election—The End of the Orange Revolution

Viktor Yanukovich will likely be the winner of the presidential election in Ukraine, and once in office, he will have to confront the biggest risk to Ukraine's independence and security: a continuation of divided government and policy paralysis.

· February 8, 2010
In the Media
The Difficulty of Being Ukraine

Whoever wins the upcoming presidential election in Ukraine must lead a country divided by identity issues and hit hard by the global financial meltdown, while maintaining a delicate balance between Western integration and Eastern cultural roots and affinities.

· December 22, 2009
International Herald Tribune
In the Media
What's With Iran?

The Russian, Israeli, Iranian and U.S. positions on Iran’s nuclear ambitions are open to several interpretations. The most realistic endgame scenario to best serve the chief interests of all players is one in which Iran maintains the ability to produce a nuclear weapon but refrains from testing one.

· October 21, 2009
The New York Times
In the Media
When Thief Stole From Thief

Tensions over Europe’s troubled past have increased with the approach of the 70th anniversary of the start of WWII. Prime Minister Putin’s upcoming visit to Poland can help turn a new page in history.

· August 27, 2009
the New York Times
In the Media
What's Russian for 'Empathy'?

Obama’s message in Moscow needs to translate his visionary pragmatism into a language that will resonate with Russians.

· July 6, 2009
The Washington Post