Michael R. Nelson
Senior Fellow, Asia Program


Mike Nelson is a senior fellow in the Carnegie Asia Program. He helps decisionmakers understand and address the impacts of emerging technologies, such as digital technologies, biotechnology, and machine learning. Prior to joining Carnegie, he started the global public policy office for Cloudflare, a startup that has improved the performance and security of tens of million websites around the world. Nelson has also served as a principal technology policy strategist in Microsoft’s Technology Policy Group and before that was a senior technology and telecommunications analyst with Bloomberg Government. In addition, Nelson has taught courses on the future of the internet, internet policy, technology policy, innovation policy, and e-government in the Communication, Culture, and Technology Program at Georgetown University.

Before joining the Georgetown faculty, Nelson was director of internet technology and strategy at IBM, where he managed a team helping define and implement IBM’s next generation internet strategy. He serves as a trustee of the Institute for International Communications. From 1988 to 1993, he served as a professional staff member for the Senate’s Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space and was the lead Senate staffer for the High-Performance Computing Act. In 1993, he joined Vice President Al Gore at the White House and worked with President Bill Clinton’s science adviser on issues relating to the Global Information Infrastructure, including telecommunications policy, information technology, encryption, electronic commerce, and information policy.

Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S., California Institute of Technology

All work from Michael R. Nelson

17 Results
A Report Card for Korean Digital Leadership
February 29, 2024

When tech journalists, CEOs, and politicians think of tech policy, they usually look to Washington, Brussels, or Beijing (and, more recently, New Delhi). But Seoul is attempting to craft its own innovative answers to thorny questions of digital policy.

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Korea's Path to Digital Leadership: How Seoul Can Lead on Standards and Standardization

This volume digs into South Korea’s experiences with digital standards and standardization and draws attention to Korea’s distinctive digital policy. It then compares Korea’s experiences to those of the United States and other Asian players, notably Malaysia and Japan—grading all four countries in key areas.

Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology
August 21, 2023

Please join Anu Bradford for an engaging online discussion of Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology and the choices we face as societies and individuals, the forces that shape those choices, and the huge stakes involved for everyone who uses digital technologies.

In The Media
in the media
Nationalism, Rent-Seeking Could Spoil Our Digital Future. Learn From History of Internet

Another, even more severe threat to the open and interconnected nature of the global internet is the growing tendency of nationalist politicians to view the digital economy in ‘us versus them’ terms.

· December 8, 2022
How Korea and India Are Creating New Data Policies and Models
September 30, 2022

Join Carnegie as the experts compare the Korea and India’s distinctive approaches to data governance and illustrate how digital policy is being shaped outside of Washington, Brussels, and Beijing.

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Data Governance, Asian Alternatives: How India and Korea Are Creating New Models and Policies

Many observers posit that a stark contest between democracy and autocracy will shape the governance of technology and data. But two Asian democracies, India and Korea, are carving out distinctive paths on data policy, not just following Western or Chinese models.

Emerging Industry Supply Chains: Opportunities for Taiwan
November 30, 2021

A global rethink of supply chains means that some economies will have opportunities to attract investment, build out new industries, and diversify their growth drivers. Taiwan is positioned to benefit from these shifts, but requires policy changes and technology investments to fully take advantage.

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Taiwan’s Opportunities in Emerging Industry Supply Chains

The pandemic, structural changes, and geopolitical competition have all led to an acute supply chain crisis. Taiwan stands to benefit, but it needs policy changes and technology investments first.

Three Takeaways From China’s New Standards Strategy

The Chinese government has unveiled plans to reshape a vast array of technical standards that shape the products and services that consumers around the world rely on, but Beijing’s designs could spawn unintended consequences.

How Korea Can Unleash the Power of Data
September 15, 2021

The United States, Europe, and China are not the only major digital players crafting the data policies that are shaping the Internet, the cloud, and the software and apps using them. A new volume edited by Evan A. Feigenbaum and Michael Nelson explores what lessons can be learned from South Korea.

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