Zachary D. Carter
Nonresident Fellow, Global Order and Institutions Program


Zachary D. Carter is a nonresident fellow with the Global Order and Institutions Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he analyzes geopolitics through an economic lens. He is the author of The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy, and the Life of John Maynard Keynes, which won the Arthur Ross Book Award and the Sidney Hillman Book Prize. 

All work from Zachary D. Carter

4 Results
In The Media
in the media
Inflation Is Not Destroying Joe Biden

But something is!

· June 10, 2024
In The Media
in the media
Biden’s Tariffs Are a Good Idea

National security, technological innovation, and economic development depend on them.

· May 28, 2024
In The Media
in the media
The U.S. Economy’s Rebound Since COVID Is Kind of Incredible. Why Doesn’t Anyone Seem to Realize This?

There is a distinctly political tenor to Biden’s trouble on the issue that defies material conditions.

· March 19, 2024
An Economic View on the World’s Most Pressing Issue at This Moment

Meet Carnegie nonresident scholar Zachary D. Carter.

· August 14, 2023