Middle East
Great Power Competition in the Middle East and North Africa

This ongoing stream of work explores a new era of competition between the United States, Russia, and China in the Middle East and North Africa. Militarily, economically, and diplomatically, these world powers, along with a number of traditional regional powers, seek to develop strong relations with and influence the policy of the Arab and non-Arab states of the region, and ultimately to turn this influence into a strategic advantage.

Governing Gaza After the War: The International Perspectives

Experts analyze critical issues on what happens after the fighting abates, from global points of view.

· February 26, 2024
In The Media
in the media
The Multialigned Middle East

The deficiencies of Washington’s bloc-based, security-centric approach in the Middle East have long been apparent. With the rise of China and the region’s growing search for multiple partners, the need to revise this strategy has become urgent.

· July 17, 2023
Foreign Affairs
The Potential Inroads and Pitfalls of China’s Foray Into Middle East Diplomacy

Beijing’s success will depend on the policies of regional actors—particularly Iran.

· March 20, 2023
The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine in the Middle East and North Africa

More specifically, Washington should not let this new frame of "great power rivalry," which Middle East autocracies have heartily welcomed and exploited, distract it from scrutinizing the behavior of these regimes at home and from helping the region's citizens and societies address the socio-economic and political problems they face now and in the coming decades.

· May 19, 2022
House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Mid East, North Africa and Counterterrorism