The Neighborhood Effect: The Imperial Roots of Regional Fracture in Eurasia
Why are certain regions of the world mired in conflict? And how did some regions in Eurasia emerge from the Cold War as peaceful and resilient?
Why are certain regions of the world mired in conflict? And how did some regions in Eurasia emerge from the Cold War as peaceful and resilient?
Russian forces proved more flexible and effective in the conduct of defensive operations in 2023. Yet the Russian military remained committed to defending forward and aggressively counterattacking in a manner that proved costly to the force.
Each one of these states threatens U.S. interests. Yet they are far from a coherent bloc and largely pose threats independent of one another.
In the wake of Finland and Sweden’s accessions to NATO, the alliance’s northern military power will be greatly expanded—if the Nordic and Baltic states adequately coordinate to overcome risks such as overstretching and competition.
When conflict-affected countries have a democratic opening, U.S. policymakers need to better understand and incorporate the many factors at play—local actors and power structures, emerging powers and their interests, and competing U.S. interests, among others.
Despite this spring’s electoral setback, the BJP retains its dominant position at the center of Indian politics.