
Carnegie Connects: The U.S.-Israeli Relationship With Ambassador Thomas R. Nides

Thu. May 5th, 2022
Live Online

In recent weeks, terror attacks in Israel and operations launched by the Israeli Defense Forces have claimed the lives of more than thirty Palestinians and Israelis. Israeli police have also clashed with Palestinians on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

This escalation is occurring at a critical moment for the region as negotiations to revive the Iran nuclear deal have stalled, raising the prospects of an Israeli-Iranian confrontation over Tehran’s nuclear program. Preoccupied with Russia and Ukraine, how is the Biden administration tackling the challenges of both the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iran nuclear issue? 

Join Aaron David Miller as he sits down with Thomas Nides, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the future of the Iran nuclear deal, and the U.S.-Israel relationship.

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event speakers

Aaron David Miller

Senior Fellow, American Statecraft Program

Aaron David Miller is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, focusing on U.S. foreign policy.

Thomas R. Nides

Thomas R. Nides is the U.S. ambassador to Israel. A distinguished public servant as well as a business leader, Nides served most recently as the managing director and vice chairman of Morgan Stanley and prior as the U.S. State Department’s deputy secretary of state for management and resources from 2010–2013.