
Managing Global Issues - Recommended Readings

Published on December 28, 2000

The MGI Book Project - Recommended Readings and Websites

The MGI book project involves a multinational and multidisciplinary group of scholars and analysts from around the world. Each expert has been asked to write a chapter on one of the sixteen global problems identified. These chapters identify the successes and failures of international and transnational governance approaches in these particular problem areas and examine the conditions for their effective use. This provides the basis for a broad comparative analysis across problem areas and for the formulation of specific recommendations for governments; international organizations, non-governmental organizations and others actively involved in transnational and national governance.

The projected publication date is Fall 2001.

Click on each chapter title below for the author's recommended readings and websites. These selective bibliographies contain what she or he regard as the most important and informative publications and Internet sources on each international problem.

Part I: Introduction (Chantal de Jonge Oudraat and P.J. Simmons)

This section will provide an overview of literature on global governance and international regimes and will outline of the analytical framework of the study.

Part II: Lessons Learned

Armaments & Disarmament
1 Global Responses to Risks of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare
  Thomas Bernauer, Professor, University of Zurich
2 Conventional Weapons
  Joanna Spear, Senior Lecturer, King's College London

Regional Security
3 Regional and Internal Conflicts
  Timothy Sisk, Senior Research Associate, University of Denver
4 Refugee Protection and Assistance
  Kathleen Newland, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment

Social & Human Rights Issues
5 Global Governance to Promote and Protect Human Rights
  Dinah Shelton, Professor, Notre Dame Law School
6 Labor Rights
  Brian Langille, Professor, University of Toronto
7 Health
  Octavio Gomez-Dantes, Director, Health Policy Research, National Institute of Public Health, Mexico

The Global Environment & The Commons
8 Pollution Control
  Peter M. Haas, Professor, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
9 Nature Conservation
  Peter Sand, Lecturer, Institute of International Law, Munich
10 Managing Global Common Spaces: The Oceans, the Atmosphere, and Outer Space
  Christopher Joyner, Professor of Government, Georgetown University

The Global Economy & Development
11 Governance in International Trade: Lessons from Sectoralism, Regionalism, and Globalism
  Vinod Aggarwal, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
12 Managing Global Finance
  Robert Litan, Director of Economic Studies, Brookings Institution
13 Multilateral Assistance for the Promotion of Development

Catherine Gwin, World Bank

14 Corruption
  Peter Richardson, Transparency International

Communications & Crime
15 Telecommunications and the Internet
  Bill Drake, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
16 Transnational Organized Crime, Illicit Markets, and Money Laundering
  Phil Williams, Professor, University of Pittsburgh

Conclusions and Policy Recommendations

  Chantal de Jonge Oudraat and P.J. Simmons


"Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare" Recommended Sources

Bernauer, Thomas, and Dieter Ruloff, eds. The Politics of Positive Incentives in Arms Control. Columbia: The University of South Carolina Press, 1999.

Cirincione, Joseph, ed. Repairing the Regime: Preventing the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2000.

Gardner, Gary T. Nuclear Nonproliferation: A Primer. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994.

Goldblat, Jozef. Arms Control: A Guide to Negotiations and Agreements. London: Sage, 1994.

Goldblat, Jozef, ed. Nuclear Disarmament: Obstacles to Banishing the Bomb. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.

Hoffman, Bruce. Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Analysis of Trends and Motivations. Santa Monica, California: RAND, 1999.

Jones, Rodney W., and Mark G. McDonough. Tracking Nuclear Proliferation. Washington D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1998.

Larsen, Jeffrey A., and Gregory J. Rattray, eds. Arms Control Toward the 21st Century. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1996.

Roberts, Brad. Weapons Proliferation and World Order after the Cold War. The Hague: Kluwer, 1996.

SIPRI (yearbook). Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wright, Susan, ed. Current Problems of Biological Warfare and Disarmament. Geneva: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 1999.

Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies

Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington D.C.

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Non-Proliferation Project

Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation


"Conventional Weapons" Recommended Sources

Carter, April. Success and Failure in Arms Control Negotiations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.

Croft, Stuart. Strategies of Arms Control. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996.

Gallagher, Nancy W., ed. Arms Control: New Approaches to Theory and Policy. London: Frank Cass, 1998.

Goldblat, Jozef. Arms Control Agreements: A Handbook. New York: Praeger, 1983.

Macintosh, James. Confidence Building in the Arms Control Process: A Transformational View, Arms Control and Disarmament Studies, No. 2. Ottawa: The Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1996.

Ohlson, Thomas, ed. Arms Transfer Limitations and Third World Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Price, Richard. "Reversing the Gun Sights: Transnational Civil Society Targets Land Mines." International Organization vol. 52, no. 3 (Summer 1998), pp. 613-644.

SIPRI Yearbook 1999. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Tanner, Fred. From Versailles to Baghdad: Post-war Armament Control of Defeated States. New York: UNIDIR, 1992.

United States Bureau of Arms Control

Federation of American Scientists (FAS), Arms Sales Monitoring Project

Center for Defense Information (CDI)

British American Security Information Council (BASIC)

International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)

Military Parade, the Magazine of the Russian Military Industrial Complex

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

The Wassenaar Arrangement

United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs

United Nations Register of Conventional Arms


"Regional and Internal Conflicts" Recommended Sources

Brown, Michael E., ed. The International Dimensions of Internal Conflict. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1996.

Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict. Preventing Deadly Conflict: Final Report. New York: Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1998.

Crocker, Chester A., Hampson, Fen Osler, and Pamela Aall, eds. Herding Cats: The Management of Complex International Mediation. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, 2000.

Durch, William J., ed. UN Peacekeeping, American Policy, and the Uncivil Wars of the 1990s. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.

Hampson, Fen Osler. Nurturing Peace: Why Peace Agreements Succeed or Fail. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1996.

Harris, Peter and Ben Reilly, eds. Democracy and Deep-Rooted Conflict: Options for Negotiators. Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 1998.

Lake, David and Donald Rothchild, eds. The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict: Fear, Diffusion, and Escalation. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998.

Lederach, John Paul. Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, 1997.

Peck, Connie. Sustainable Peace: The Role of the UN and Regional Organizations in Preventing Conflict. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998.

Weiss, Thomas and Leon Gordenker, eds. NGOs, the UN, and Global Governance. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 1996.

African Center for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes

European Platform on Conflict Prevention and Transformation

Department of Peace and Conflict Research, University of Uppsala

United Nations

United States Institute of Peace

University of Minnesota Human Rights Library


"Refugee Protection and Assistance" Recommended Sources

Forsythe, David P. Humanitarian Politics: The International Committee of the Red Cross. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977.

Goodwin-Gill, Guy S. "The International Protection of Refugees: What Future?" International Journal of Refugee Law, vol 12, no. 1 (2000), pp. 1-6.

Goodwin-Gill, Guy S. The Refugee in International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, l996.

Harding, Jeremy. The Uninvited: Refugees at the Rich Man's Gate. London: Profile Books and the London Review of Books, 2000.

Newland, Kathleen, and Demetrios Papademetriou. "Managing International Migration: Tracking the Emergence of a New International Regime." UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, vol. 3, no. 2 (Fall/Winter 1998-1999), pp. 637-657.

Nicholson, Frances, and Patrick Twomey, eds. Refugee Rights and Realities: Evolving International Concepts and Regimes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Roberts, Adam. "More Refugees, Less Asylum: A Regime in Transformation." Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 11, no. 4 (1998), pp. 375-395.

Steiner, Niklaus. Arguing about Asylum: The Complexity of Refugee Debates in Europe. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The State of the World's Refugees. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, 1995, 1997, and 2000.

World Refugee Survey, Annual publication of the US Committee for Refugees. Washington, D.C.: Immigration and Refugee Services of America.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

US Committee for Refugees

International Committee of the Red Cross


"Human Rights" Recommended Sources

Buergenthal, Thomas. International Human Rights in a Nutshell. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1988.

Buergenthal, Thomas and Dinah Shelton. Protecting Human Rights in the Americas 4th ed. Arlington, Virginia: N.P. Engel, 1995.

Guest, Iain. Behind the Disappearances : Argentina's Dirty War against Human Rights and the United Nations. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990.

Humphrey, John P. Human Rights and the United Nations: A Great Adventure. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Transnational Press, 1984.

Hurst, Hannum, ed. Guide to International Human Rights Practice. Ardsley, New York: Transnational Press, 1999.

Lauren, Paul Gordon. The Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998.

Sohn, Louis B. and Thomas Buergenthal. International Protection of Human Rights. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1973.

Steiner, Henry J,. and Philip Alston. International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals, Text, and Materials 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Human Rights Watch

Amnesty International

OAS Human Rights, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


"Labor Rights" Recommended Sources

Leary, Virginia. "Worker's Rights and International Trade: The Social Clause." In Jagdish Bhagwati and Robert Hudec, eds. Fair Trade and Harmonization, vol. 2. Boston: MIT Press, 1996, pp. 177-230.

OECD Trade, Employment, and Labor Standards. Paris: OECD, 1996.

Servais, Jean-Michel. International Labor Organization (ILO). The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1996.

Trubek, David M., Mosher, Jim, and Jeff Rothstein. "Transnationalism in the Regulation of Labor Relations, International Regimes, and Transnational Advocacy Networks." Manuscript (January 1999). Available from the Labor and the Global Economy Research Circle of the International Institute of the University of Wisconsin (Madison).

Commission for Labour Cooperation

International Labor Organization

International Labor Rights Fund


"Health" Recommended Sources

Abbasi, Kamran. "The World Bank and World Health," (series of six articles). British Medical Journal, vol. 318 (1999), pp. 865-869, 933-936, 1003-1006, 1066-1069, 1132-1135, 1206-1208.

Fenner, F., Henderson, D.A., Arita, Y., Jezek, Z., and I.D. Ladnyi. Smallpox and Its Eradication. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1988.

Godlee, Fiona. "WHO in Retreat: Is It Losing Its Influence?" British Medical Journal, vol. 309 (1994), pp. 1491-1495.

Godlee, Fiona. "The World Health Organisation," (series of three articles). British Medical Journal, vol. 309 (1994), pp. 1424-1428, 1566-1570, 1636-1639.

Godlee, Fiona. "The World Health Organisation," (series of two articles). British Medical Journal, vol. 310 (1995), pp. 110-112, 178-182.

Goodman, Neville Marriott. International Health Organizations and Their Work. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1971.

Jamison, Dean T., Frenk, Julio, and Felicia Knaul. "International Collective Action in Health: Objectives, Functions, and Rationale." The Lancet, vol. 351 (February 14, 1998), pp. 514-517.

Jareg, Pal, and Dan C.O. Kaseje. "Growth of Civil Society in Developing Countries: Implications for Health." The Lancet, vol. 351 (March 14, 1998), pp. 819-822.

Lee, Kelley. "Shaping the Future of Global Health Cooperation: Where Can We Go from Here?" The Lancet, vol. 351 (March 21, 1998), pp. 899-902.

Tendler, Judith. Inside Foreign Aid. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975.

UNAIDS. Global Strategy for HIV/AIDS. Geneva: UNAIDS, 2000.

Zacher, Mark W. "Global Epidemiological Surveillance: International Cooperation to Monitor Infectious Diseases." In Inge Kaul, Isabelle Grunberg, and Marc A. Stern, eds. Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 266-283.


"Pollution Control" Recommended Sources

Andresen, Steinar, T. Skodvin, Underdal, Arild, and J. Wettestad. Science and Politics in International Environmental Regimes: Between Integrity and Involvement. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000.

Haas, Peter M. Saving the Mediterranean: The Politics of International Environmental Cooperation. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990.

Haas, Peter M., and Ernst B. Haas. "Learning to Learn." Global Governance, vol. 1, no. 3 (September 1995), pp. 255-285.

Skodvin, Tora. Stucture and Agent in the Scientific Diplomacy of Climate Change: An Empirical Case Study of Science-policy Interaction in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

Victor, David G., Raustila, Kal, and Eugene B. Skolnikoff, eds. The Implementation and Effectiveness of International Environmental Commitments: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: MIT Press 1999.

Weiss, Edith Brown, and Harold K. Jacobson, eds. Engaging Countries: Compliance with International Environmental Accords. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998.

Young, Oran R., ed. The Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes: Causal Connections and Behavioral Mechanisms. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.

Young, Oran R. Governance in World Affairs. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999.

Young, Oran R., and Gail Osherenko, eds. Polar Politics: Creating International Environmental Regimes. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993.

Zurn, Michael. "The Rise of International Environmental Politics." World Politics, vol. 50, no. 4 (July 1998), pp. 617-649.

International Treaties and Institutions

The Interlinkages Initiative: Synergies and Coordination between Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Yearbook of International Cooperation on Environment and Development

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) at the Center for International Earth Sciences Information Network (CIESIN), of Columbia University, New York

International Institutions

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Rio+10: The World Summit on Sustainable Development

United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development

World Bank

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Global Environmental Facility (GEF)

United States Department of State - Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs

Global Environmental Assessments

Global Environmental Outlook, UNEP

World Conservation Monitoring Centre


"Nature Conservation" Recommended Sources

Carlowitz, Hans Carl von. Sylvicultura Oeconomica. Leipzig: Brauns, 2nd ed., 1732.

Chayes, Abram, and Antonia Handler Chayes. The New Sovereignty: Compliance with International Regulatory Agreements. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995.

Ciriacy-Wantrup, Siegfried von. Resource Conservation: Economics and Policies. Berkeley: University of California Division of Agricultural Sciences, 3rd ed., 1968.

Holdgate, Martin. The Green Web: A Union for World Conservation. London: Earthscan, 1999.

Hunter, David, Salzman, James, and Durwood Zaelke. International Environmental Law and Policy. New York: Foundation Press, 1998.

Klemm, Cyrille de, and Clare Shine. International Environmental Law: Biological Diversity. Geneva: United Nations Institute for Training and Research, 1998.

Lyster, Simon. International Wildlife Law: An Analysis of International Treaties Concerned With the Conservation of Wildlife. Cambridge: Grotius Publications, 1985.

Orrego Vicuña, Francisco. The Changing International Law of High Seas Fisheries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Sand, Peter H. Lessons Learned in Global Environmental Governance. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute, 1990.

Wijnstekers, Willem. The Evolution of CITES: A Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Geneva: CITES Secretariat, 5th abridged electronic ed., 2000.

Yearbook of International Environmental Law. Vols. 1 - 10. London: Graham & Trotman, 1990-1999.

Biodiversity and State of the World's Living Resources

World Conservation Monitoring Centre

International Institute for Sustainable Development

Legal Instruments

ECOLEX - A Gateway to Environmental Law

Joint Website of the Biodiversity-related Conventions (Biodiversity, World Heritage, CITES, Wetlands, and Migratory Species)

UN Secretariat of the Convention to Combat Desertification

International Whaling Convention

International Organizations

Yearbook of International Co-operation on Environment and Development

UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

Intergovernmental Forum on Forests of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Committee on Forestry (COFO) of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

Nongovernmental Organizations

World Conservation Union (IUCN)

Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Greenpeace International

International Fur Trade Federation

IWMC World Conservation Trust

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

Compliance and Enforcement

Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, UN Convention of the Law of the Sea

South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency

International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement

TRAFFIC - Wildlife Trade Monitoring Program of WWF and IUCN


Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) at the Center for International Earth Sciences Information Network (CIESIN), of Columbia University, New York

International Regimes Database, Dartmouth College and the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany


"Global Commons" Recommended Sources

Baslar, Kemal. The Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind in International Law. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1998.

Caldwell, Lynton Keith. International Environmental Policy: From the Twentieth to the Twenty-first Century 3rd ed. Durham: Duke University Press, 1996.

Hardin, Garrett. "The Tragedy of the Commons." Science vol. 162 (1968), pp. 1243- 1248.

Independent World Commission on the Oceans. The Ocean Our Future: Report of the Independent World Commission on the Oceans. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Joyner, Christopher C. Governing the Frozen Commons: The Antarctic Regime and Environmental Protection. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1998.

Ostrom, Elinor. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Soroos, Marvin S. The Changing Atmosphere: The Quest for Global Environmental Security. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1997.

Stokke, Olav Schram, ed. Governing High Seas Fisheries: The Interplay of Global and Regional Regimes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Vig, Norman and Regina Axelrod, eds. The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 1999.

Weiss, Edith Brown. In Fairness to Future Generations: International Law, Common Patrimony, and Intergenerational Equity. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Transnational Press, 1989.

International Maritime Organization

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

United Nations Environment Programme, The Ozone Secretariat


"International Trade" Recommended Sources

Aggarwal, Vinod K., ed. Institutional Designs for a Complex World: Bargaining, Linkages, and Nesting. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998.

Aggarwal, Vinod K., and Charles Morrison, eds. Asia Pacific Crossroads: Regime Creation and the Future of APEC. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998.

Bergsten, Fred C., ed. Whither APEC? The Progress to Date and Agenda for the Future. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1997.

Chayes, Abram, and Antonia Chandler Chayes. The New Sovereignty: Compliance with International Regulatory Agreements. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995.

Dobson, Wendy, and Pierre Jacquet. Financial Service Liberalization in the WTO. Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1998.

Feketekuty, Geza, and Bruce Stokes, eds. Trade Strategies for a New Era: Ensuring U.S. Leadership in a Global Economy. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1998.

Krugman, Paul. "Regional Trade Blocs: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly." The International Economy (November/December 991), pp. 54-56.

Lawrence, Robert Z. "Emerging Regional Arrangements: Building Blocks or Stumbling Blocks?" In R. O'Brien, ed., Finance and the International Economy vol. 5. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Ostry, Sylvia. Reinforcing the WTO. A Group of Thirty Occasional Paper 56. Washington, D.C.: Group of Thirty, 1998.

Schott, Jeffrey J., ed. Launching New Global Trade Talks. Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1998.


"International Finance" Recommended Sources

Bordo, Michael D., Barry Eichengreen, and Douglas A. Irwin. "Is Globalization Today Really Different Than Globalization a Hundred Years Ago?" In Susan M. Collins and Robert Z. Lawrence, eds., Brookings Trade Forum, vol. 2. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1999, pp. 1-50.

Burtless, Gary, Robert Z. Lawrence, Robert E. Litan and Robert J. Shapiro. Globaphobia: Confronting Fears of Open Trade. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1998.

Calomiris, Charles, and Robert E. Litan. "Financial Regulation in a Global Marketplace." In Robert E. Litan and Anthony M. Santomero, eds., Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services, vol. 3. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2000.

Cooper, Richard. "Should Capital Controls Be Banished?" In William C. Brainard and George L. Perry, eds., Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, no. 1. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1999, pp. 89-125.

Council on Foreign Relations. Safeguarding Prosperity in a Global Financial System: The Future International Financial Architecture: report of an independent task force. New York: Institute for International Economics, 1999.

Eichengreen, Barry. Toward a New International Financial Infrastructure: A Practical Post-Asia Agenda. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1999.

Feldstein, Martin. "Refocusing the IMF." Foreign Affairs 77, no. 2 (March/April 1998), pp. 20-33.

Friedman, Thomas L. The Lexus and the Olive Tree. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1999.

Goldstein, Morris. The Case for an International Banking Standard. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1997.

Summers, Lawrence. "Reflections on Managing Global Integration." Journal of Economic Perspectives 13, no. 2 (Spring 1999), pp. 3-18.


"International Development Assistance" Recommended Sources

Cassen, Robert. Does Aid Work? Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.

Gwin, Catherine and Joan Nelson, eds. Perspectives on Aid and Development. Washington, DC: Johns Hopkins University Press for the Overseas Development Council, 1997.

Helleiner, Gerald K. "Changing Aid Relationships in Tanzania." Paper prepared for the Tanzania Consultative Group Meeting (May 3-4, 1999).

Kanbur, Ravi and Todd Sandler. The Future of Development Assistance: Common Pools and International Public Goods. Washington, DC: Overseas Development Council, 1999.

Kapur, Devesh, Lewis, John P., and Richard Webb. The World Bank: Its First Half Century, 2 vols. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1996.

Killick, Tony. Aid and the Political Economy of Policy Change. London: Routledge, 1998.

Lancaster, Carol. Aid to Africa. Chicago: Chicago University Press for the Century Fund, 1999.

OECD/DAC. Shaping the 21st Century: The Contribution of Development Cooperation. Paris: OECD, 1996.

World Bank. Assessing Aid: What Works, What Doesn't and Why. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.


"Corruption" Recommended Sources

Elliot, Kimberly Ann, ed. Corruption and the Global Economy. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1996.

Galtung, Fredrik, and Jeremy Pope. "The Global Coalition against Corruption: Evaluating Transparency International." In Andreas Schedler, Larry Diamond, and Marc Plattner, eds. The Self-restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Reinner Publishers, 1999, pp. 257-282.

Galtung, Fredrik. "A Global Network to Curb Corruption: The Experience of Transparency International." In Ann Florini, ed. The Third Force: The Rise of Transnational Civil Society. Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1999, pp. 17-47.

Kpundeh, Sahr John, and Rick J. Stapenhurst, eds. Fighting Corruption: A Model for Building National Integrity. Washington, DC: World Bank, EDI Seminar Series, 1997.

Ofosu-Amaah, W., Soopramanien, Raj, and Kishor Uprety. Combating Corruption: A Comparative Review of Selected Legal Aspects of State Practices and Major International Initiatives. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1999.

Rose-Ackerman, Susan. Corruption and Government: Cause, Consequences, and Reform. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Transparency International and World Bank Economic Development Institute. New Perspectives on Combating Corruption. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1998.

Vincke, François, Heimann, Fritz, and Ron Katz, eds. Fighting Bribery. Paris: International Chamber of Commerce, 1999.

Transparency International

Transparency International Working Paper, "Corruption in Empirical Research - A Review"

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Anti-corruption Unit

World Bank

International Chamber of Commerce

United Nations Development Programme, "Corruption and Integrity Improvement Initiatives in Developing Countries"

United States Department of State, Global Forum on Fighting Corruption


"Telecommunications and the Internet" Recommended Sources

Codding, George A. The International Telecommunication Union: An Experiment in International Cooperation. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1952.

Codding, George A., and Anthony M. Rutkowski. The International Telecommunication Union in a Changing World. Dedham, Massachusetts: Artech House, 1982.

Cowhey, Peter F. "The International Telecommunications Regime: The Political Roots of Regimes for High Technology." International Organization, vol. 44 (Spring 1990), pp. 169-199.

Drake, William J. "Asymmetric Deregulation and the Transformation of the International Telecommunications Regime." In Eli M. Noam and Gerard Pogorel, eds. Asymmetric Deregulation: The Dynamics of Telecommunications Policies in Europe and the United States. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex, 1994, pp. 137-203.

Drake, William J. "The Rise and Decline of the International Telecommunications Regime." In Christopher T. Marsden, ed. Regulating the Global Information Society. London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 124-177.

Drake, William J. "Territoriality and Intangibility: Transborder Data Flows and National Sovereignty." In Kaarle Nordenstreng and Herbert I. Schiller, eds. Beyond National Sovereignty: International Communications in the 1990s. Norwood: Ablex, 1993, pp. 259-313.

Drake, William J., and Eli M. Noam. "Assessing the WTO Agreement on Basic Telecommunications." In Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Erika Wada, eds. Unfinished Business: Telecommunications After the Uruguay Round. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1998), pp. 27-61.

Drake, William J., and Kalypso Nicolaidis. "Global Electronic Commerce and the General Agreement on Trade in Services: The 'Millennium Round' and Beyond." In Pierre Sauvé and Robert M. Stern, eds. GATS 2000: New Directions in Services Trade Liberalization. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2000), pp. 399-437.

Drake, William J., and Kalypso Nicolaïdis. "Ideas, Interests and Institutionalization: 'Trade in Services' and the Uruguay Round." In Peter Haas, ed. Knowledge, Power and International Policy Coordination, A Special Issue of International Organization, vol. 45 (Winter 1992), pp. 37-100.

Hamelink, Cees J. The Politics of World Communication: A Human Rights Perspective. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1994.

Kahin, Brian, and James H. Keller, eds. Coordinating the Internet. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997.

Leive, David M. International Telecommunications and International Law: The Regulation of the Radio Spectrum. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications, 1970.

Martinez, Larry. Communications Satellites: Power Politics in Space. Dedham, Massachusetts: Artech House, 1985.

Mueller, Milton. "ICANN and Internet Governance: Sorting Through the Debris of 'Self- Regulation.'" Info, vol. 6 (December 1999), pp. 497-520.

Nicolaïdis, Kalypso. "International Trade in Information-Based Services: The Uruguay Round and Beyond." In William J. Drake, ed. The New Information Infrastructure: Strategies for U.S. Policy. New York: Twentieth Century Fund Press, 1995, pp. 269-302.

Pelton, Joseph N. Global Communications Satellite Policy: INTELSAT, Politics, and Functionalism. Mt. Airy, Maryland: Lomond Books, 1974.

Preston, William, Herman, Edward S., and Herbert I Schiller. Hope and Folly: The United States and UNESCO, 1945-1985. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989.

Sauvant, Karl P. International Transactions in Services: The Politics of Transborder Data Flows. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986.

Savage, James G. The Politics of International Telecommunications Regulation. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1989.

Snow, Marcellus S. The International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT): Economic and Institutional Challenges Facing an International Organization. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987.

Zacher, Mark W., and Brent A. Sutton. Governing Global Networks: International Regimes for Transportation and Communications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

International Telecommunications Union


International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Electronic Commerce, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

United Nations Economic, Social, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

World Trade Organization


"Transnational Organized Crime" Recommended Sources

Andreas, Peter. Border Games: Policing the US-Mexico Divide. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000.

Bayart, Jean-François, Stephen Ellis, and Béatrice Hibou. The Criminalization of the State in Africa. Bloomington: Indiana University. Press, 1999.

Blum, Jack, Michael Levi, R. Thomas Naylor, and Phil Williams. Financial Havens, Bank Secrecy and Money Laundering. New York: United Nations, 1999.

Bovenkerk, Frank. "Crime and the Multi-ethnic Society: A View from Europe." Crime, Law and Social Change vol. 19 (1993), pp. 271-280.

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Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering

World Customs Organization
