Germany and Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century
A comprehensive look at Germany’s nuclear weapons policies in the twenty-first century.
A comprehensive look at Germany’s nuclear weapons policies in the twenty-first century.
In 2024, a series of elections reinforced EU concerns about the fragility of European democracies. This, coupled with intensifying conflict dynamics and authoritarian trends worldwide, led the EU to focus on protecting democracy at home at the expense of supporting it globally.
Key U.S. partners are moving toward less technological integration with China. But their specific paths diverge significantly based on domestic circumstances and varied relationships with Beijing.
Back in the fall of 2022, parts of the U.S. administration assessed a heightened risk of Russian nuclear use in the Ukraine War. Despite this assessment, nuclear weapons were not used. Why did Russia not use nuclear weapons during the fall of 2022?
As the contest between China and the United States ramps up and Russia becomes ever more emboldened in its attacks on European infrastructure, Europeans must invest more to leverage their existing advantages in this realm and protect the competitiveness, resilience, and security of their subsea cable infrastructure.
As NATO adapts to its new strategic environment, the Baltic Sea region could be strengthened. Increased regionalization and specialization of capabilities could enhance the alliance as a whole.