How should Europe handle President Trump? There is more uncertainty in the transatlantic relationship now than at any time since the end of the cold war. And preoccupied by its internal issues, the EU has failed to find a coherent approach for dealing with Vladimir Putin on its eastern border. As Carnegie’s popular blog Strategic Europe celebrates its 5th anniversary, Tom Carver talked to its editor-in-chief Judy Dempsey about the future of European foreign policy.
Dempsey is a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe and the author of the book The Merkel Phenomenon (Das Phänomen Merkel, Körber-Stiftung Edition, 2013). She worked for the International Herald Tribune from 2004 to 2011 as its Germany and East European Correspondent, and from 2011 to September 2013 as columnist. Dempsey was the diplomatic correspondent for the Financial Times in Brussels from 2001 onward, covering NATO and European Union enlargement.
Sophia Besch sits down with Susan Crawford to discuss the systemic risks posed by climate-driven flooding, its impact on the U.S. housing market, and its potential for destabilizing and reshaping the global economy.
Sophia Besch sits down with Sam Winter-Levy to discuss how developments in AI and attempts to regulate them affect geopolitical strategy. They discuss the implications of the former Biden administration's new "Framework for Artificial Intelligence Diffusion" and the nuances of Washington's approach to AI exports and advancement more broadly.
In this special edition episode, Christopher Chivvis and Stephen Wertheim explore Biden's foreign policy legacy, challenges in restraining Israel and Ukraine, prospects for a Russia-Ukraine ceasefire, and paths to stabilizing U.S.-China relations amidst Cold War tensions.
Sophia Besch and Carnegie Endowment President Tino Cuéllar reflect on the broader themes that will underlie the discussions of the year ahead, from technology to political economy, democratic governance, and global power dynamics.
Sophia Besch sits down with Milo McBride to discuss the politics of clean energy technologies and the global struggle for clean energy dominance.