Heiko Wimmen


Heiko Wimmen is a research associate in the Middle East and Africa division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik - SWP) in Berlin and the coordinator of the research project "Elite Change and New Social Mobilization in the Arab World". He previously served as the program manager and deputy director at the Middle East office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Beirut (2004-2009) and as a professional fellow on the Social Science Research Council (2002-2004). He has also worked as an independent broadcast producer in Beirut.  His recent publications include “The civil war in Syria and the impotence of international politics” (with Muriel Asseburg in Marc V. Boemecken et al. (ed.), Peace Report 2013, LIT-Verlag); “Civil War in Syria” (with Muriel Asseburg, SWP Comments 2012/C 43, December 2012); “The Violent Power Struggle in Syria (with Muriel Asseburg, SWP Comments 2012/C 09, March 2012);  and “Citizens of the Void: Power-Sharing and Civic Political Action in Lebanon” (in Democratic Transition in the Middle East: Unmaking Power, New York: Routledge, 2012). His current research focuses on the dynamics of social mobilization and political systems in peace building processes in religiously and ethnically diverse societies.


All work from Heiko Wimmen

8 Results
From Division to Unity
March 4, 2019

An exploration of the nuances and potential of power-sharing in post-conflict countries in the region and a discussion of the relevant lessons learned from other countries as well.

  • +17
Iraq’s Paramilitary Challenge: Rebuilding a Functioning State
July 30, 2018

Iraq’s three-year battle against the so-called Islamic State (IS) empowered an array of armed actors that enjoy state legitimacy yet operate autonomously from state security forces.

Sectarianism and Conflict in the Middle East
November 14, 2017

A discussion on what’s driving the spread of Sunni-Shi’a identity politics in today’s Middle East and how sectarianism is contributing to the region’s instability and conflicts.

  • +7
Syria’s Path From Civic Uprising to Civil War

Unless there are fundamental changes in Syria’s social and security structures, any political solution to the conflict is likely to fail.

· November 22, 2016
The Case Against an Alliance With Assad

Realpolitik, rather than ethics, provides the most powerful arguments against the growing calls to forge a deal with the Syrian regime.

· December 2, 2014
Over the Brink

Lebanon’s leaders are undermining its institutions and dragging the country faster into the Syrian conflict.

· August 22, 2013