Technology and International Affairs

To achieve greater stability and civility in cyberspace, Carnegie’s Technology and International Affairs program develops strategies and policies in several key areas and promotes international cooperation and norms by engaging key decisionmakers in governments and industry.

Streams of Work

Streams of Work

Cyber Norms

In support of the international cybersecurity norms process, our Cyber Norms Index tracks relevant multilateral and bilateral accords at the UN, the G20, the OSCE and other international organizations and fora. In addition, our scholars regularly publish in-depth analyses of latest developments and trends and develop specific proposals for consideration by decision-makers in government and industry alike.

Cyber Norms

In support of the international cybersecurity norms process, our Cyber Norms Index tracks relevant multilateral and bilateral accords at the UN, the G20, the OSCE and other international organizations and fora. In addition, our scholars regularly publish in-depth analyses of latest developments and trends and develop specific proposals for consideration by decision-makers in government and industry alike.

Encryption Working Group

Working with Princeton University, we have convened an Encryption Working Group to advance a more constructive dialogue on encryption policy. The working group consists of former government officials, business representatives, privacy and civil rights advocates, law enforcement experts, and computer scientists. Learn more about its members and papers released so far.

Encryption Working Group

Working with Princeton University, we have convened an Encryption Working Group to advance a more constructive dialogue on encryption policy. The working group consists of former government officials, business representatives, privacy and civil rights advocates, law enforcement experts, and computer scientists. Learn more about its members and papers released so far.

Cyber Conflict in the Russia-Ukraine War

To understand the cyber elements of the Russia-Ukraine war, Carnegie offers original research on the impact of both Russia’s cyber attacks and Ukraine’s cyber defense.

Cyber Conflict in the Russia-Ukraine War

To understand the cyber elements of the Russia-Ukraine war, Carnegie offers original research on the impact of both Russia’s cyber attacks and Ukraine’s cyber defense.

Cybersecurity and the Financial System

To protect the financial system against cyber threats, our project provides actionable policy proposals and in-depth strategic analysis for governments and industry alike with practical guidance to enhance resilience of the financial system around the globe.

Cybersecurity and the Financial System

To protect the financial system against cyber threats, our project provides actionable policy proposals and in-depth strategic analysis for governments and industry alike with practical guidance to enhance resilience of the financial system around the globe.

Russian Information Warfare: A Conversation With Dr. Bilyana Lilly
October 18, 2022

Join Carnegie’s Gavin Wilde in a conversation with Dr. Bilyana Lilly to discuss her new book, “Russian Information Warfare: Assault on Democracies in the Cyber Wild West,” examining the role of cyber operations and information warfare in Russia’s geopolitical aspirations.

New Paradigm for Cyber Competition: A Conversation on Cyber Persistent Theory
September 21, 2022

Policymakers have long fixated on preventing a catastrophic cyberattack by coercing and deterring adversaries in cyberspace. Yet cyber competition over the last two decades looks different than envisioned. Join us for a discussion with Michael Fischerkeller, Emily Goldman, and Richard Harknett, the authors of Cyber Persistence Theory, moderated by Carnegie’s George Perkovich.

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Strengthening and Diversifying America’s Cyber Workforce
October 28, 2021

Join the Carnegie Endowment for a virtual, public event on strengthening and diversifying America’s cyber workforce.

  • +8
  • Wally Adeyemo
  • Penny Pritzker
  • Tino Cuéllar
  • Bertina Ceccarelli
  • Kiersten Todt
  • Tarika Barrett
  • Kelly Born
  • Rahul Prabhakar
  • Alexander Niejelow
  • Simone Petrella
  • Laura Bate
Countering Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure: What’s Next?
September 17, 2021

Please join Carnegie and the U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission for a conversation featuring leaders from the US government, and the energy and financial services sectors as they asses what comes next in securing domestic and global infrastructure in cyberspace.

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Protecting the Financial System from Cyber Threats in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond
November 26, 2020

This month, the Carnegie Endowment, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, released a first-of-its-kind blueprint to better protect the global financial system against cyber threats. Join us for a discussion with leading voices in the Asia-Pacific on this report's crucial recommendations.

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The Privatization of Security and the Market for Cyber Tools and Services

A look at the emerging and expanding gaps in the governance of private cybersecurity companies and activities and the ways forward and policy options for governments.

· August 23, 2019
Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
In the Media
Unlocking Market Forces to Solve Cyber Risk

Markets have been slow to adjust to the multi-dimensional perils of cyber risk.

· August 1, 2019
Addressing the Private Sector Cybersecurity Predicament: The Indispensable Role of Insurance

Harnessing the full potential of cyber insurance will be imperative for preventing systemic cyber incidents of concern for governments and the private sector alike.

· November 7, 2018
A Conversation on Cybersecurity Strategy With DHS and DOD
October 30, 2018

Two new U.S. cyber strategies—a holistic national strategy for cyberspace and another guiding the efforts of U.S. military—have reinforced a critical need for the U.S. Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to work together in cyberspace.

Inside the Business of Cybercrime
October 23, 2018

Cybercrime seems invisible. Attacks arrive out of nowhere, their origins hidden by layers of sophisticated technology. Only the victims are clear. But every crime has its perpetrator—specific individuals or groups sitting somewhere behind keyboards and screens.

Navigating Cyber Conflict: A Conversation With David Sanger
October 4, 2018

Cyberspace has become center stage for international competition and confrontation.

Protecting Financial Institutions Against Cyber Threats: A National Security Issue

The U.S. government considers certain sectors of the economy to be integral to national security. To better defend the financial sector against national security threats in cyberspace, several actions should be implemented.

  • Erica Borghard
· September 24, 2018