about the carnegie endowment

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace generates strategic ideas and independent analysis, supports diplomacy, and trains the next generation of international scholar-practitioners to help countries and institutions take on the most difficult global problems and advance peace.

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We deliver unbiased research to decisionmakers who help set the global policy agenda

Our scholars generate strategic ideas and independent analysis to help inform countries, institutions, and leaders as they take on the most difficult global problems.

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We generate actionable policy ideas to help forge a safer world

Our scholars from around the world provide decisionmakers with pragmatic recommendations to support viable long-term solutions to global challenges.

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We use data to guide our understanding of complex issues

Carnegie leverages data to understand the threats and opportunities affecting global security and well-being.

We focus on cross-cutting policy issues and key regions

Carnegie scholars provide topical analysis on democracy, technology, climate, and other issues within the regional context in Asia, Africa, Europe, East and South Asia, the Middle East, Russia and Eurasia, the United States, and Latin America.

We host events worldwide to unpack the most difficult global challenges

Carnegie’s regular series of global public events, both virtual and in person, bring together top experts to discuss and debate pressing threats to global security and provide solutions.

2024 New Voices, New Ideas Conference
8:30 AM — 5:00 PM EST
Is NATO a Good Deal? Making the Case for the Alliance to the Public
July 9, 2024
  • +1
  • Tobias Billström
  • John Hickenlooper
  • Janet Napolitano
  • Jim Sciutto
Our Polycrisis Summer
July 1, 2024
  • +1
  • Tim Sahay
  • Kate Mackenzie
  • David Wallace-Wells
  • Noah Gordon